Generate subscription revenue in seconds.
Build a best-in-class crypto subscription experience today. Maximise conversion and retention.
Customize and integrate your checkout in minutes
Start accepting crypto subscriptions in 3 easy steps. Customize your checkout widget, export it as JSON or publish it to IPFS for a hosted link, and integrate it into your platform.
Build Widget
Customize every detail

Select most convenient option

Receive payment second-by-second

Watch your revenue grow in real-time.
With a single transaction, Superfluid Subscriptions flow by the second into your wallet, reducing transaction costs and unlocking immediate capital availability.
Grow your business with frictionless subscriptions.
In as little as 3 clicks, users can subscribe to your web3 product or service with money streams. Money streams flow in perpetuity, mitigating non-payment risk and reducing churn.

See it in action
Try one of our interactive demos below.
Web3 Services & APIs
Recurring payments simplified
Donations and Creators
Monetize your following
DAOs and Communities
Generate sustainable revenue
Made for your needs.
Streamlined buyer experience
Enable customers to subscribe with crypto in as few as 3 clicks
Highly customizable design
Match your checkout to your brand colors, typography, & more
Easy to integrate
Implement your Subscription Checkout starting with just a few lines of code
Simple Accounting
Easily retrieve and export granular stream data as .csv
Web3 Composability and NFT Support
Empowering Web3 with composable NFTs for interactive and evolving digital assets
Full Smart Contract Wallet Support
Supports smart contract wallets for enhanced security and direct DApp interaction
Multi-Audited Protocol
Audited by industry-leaders such as Halborn, and PeckShield
Free and Open-Source
Transparent, community-driven, and open-source protocol
Developer-friendly integration.
Start accepting subscriptions with just a few lines of code.
Simple Integration and Customisation
Superfluid Checkout can be seamlessly incorporated into your project using our React component, a straightforward web component, or even by publishing it on IPFS. Plus, you can use the Widget Builder to quickly generate configurations and test them out before going live.
Streaming payment widget
No-code widget configuration UI
Purpose-built Merchant Dashboard
Stream-gating NFTs
Stream-gated API recipes
Webhooks & other APIs
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